Thursday, November 6, 2008

Quick post


Just quickly, have been sick this week but am on the mend with plenty of rest. I was ordered by Alice not to go to waterpolo today (I really was going to go).

Lara and Eva just couldn't get enough of me last week so they're coming today!!! Staying here until Saturday and then we head up together to the castle I keep hearing about (where La's family lives!).

Anything else?

Classes have been good. Getting a bit frustrated because there are plenty of lectures and not many TD (tutes). It's very theoretical.

Oh yeah, I got into a program, Jeunes Ambassadeurs ( which I applied for a few weeks ago. Very exciting, basically a lot of networking and visiting/getting to know the Rhone-Alpes region. There are plenty of events and visits organised throughout the year. Next week I get paired up with a mentor, someone from industry, and my first industry visit is at the end of the month to SANOFI PASTEUR (, a very big vaccine making company. Yay!

Two very exciting things happened on Tuesday...incase you haven't heard. Obama is US President but, more imporantly, 'Viewed' won the Melbourne Cup! Alex's blog: with the latest global news updates!

Miss you all


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