Sunday, November 30, 2008

What time is it???

CHRISTMAS TIME!!! Get excited! My room is looking so cozy and warm. Will actually be spending Christmas with Geraldine, Tonton Claude et Mamie in London! Am also looking forward to a New Years visit in Paris from Jase and Sian!!! (That's a pretty awsome Christmas gift if you ask me!)Didn't end up snowing but it has rained a lot (got caught in a heavy fall last night on my way home from church, not cool) and it's been absolutely freezing. Was funny when I checked the weather forecast for today...10 degrees..."How warm!", I thought, "I might not even have to wear a beanie today!"

Advent wreath, Santa's hat, Magnus underwear (yes, magnus underwear) and random socks (can you spot Mathew's?)...

Tinsel and curtains (am very proud of my curtains!)

There's a little spinning christmas tree with candles on the shelf...

OK. Quick summary of another wonderful weekend. Had Friday afternoon off so went to a silk market in Lyon with Alice. So much silk and scarves and beautiful things we can't afford to purchase! Saturday, I had a study date. A couple of frenchies in my class have befriended me and are helping me out with the studies (the help is much needed!). So it wasn't so much a date as just studying all day with Victor and having quenelles for lunch (my request). The work is so hard, we worked so much but I felt like we got through hardly anything! Cooked some wicked pasta carbonara when I got home and then had hot chocolate with Anton and Alice (more like melted chocolate and milk...delicious!). Sunday, Alice and I went to St Etienne to the biennale design festival. It was great, so many things to see. My favourite was in the eco city lab exhibition. It's called an aquapony...basically it uses fish poo as feritliser to grow a vegie patch. There was also the Urban Loo and the Eco Toilet, some really great ideas. We also found a Christmas market, too much fun!

Alright, getting late. Must be off

Bonne nuit

Alex xoxo

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Just so you know...

Just so you know...first sign of snowflakes today!!! Very excited, it's supposed to snow a bit most of the week :) Also, Australia won rugby!

Love from Alex xoxo

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Hi all!

Not much news. Saw the new Bond film on the weekend, very cool. Last night we celebrated "le Beaujolais nouveau" . There were fireworks but it sounded a lot more exciting than it actually was. It starts at midnight so we had a lovely walk home along the river to get back to INSA residence.

I met my coach for Jeunes Ambassadeurs last week. His name is Franck and he works in real estate as managing direct of a company, Diagonale Really nice guy and very enthusiastic about the program. We're going to the Lyon flea market on Sunday before having lunch with his kids. I'm going on a 'cultural tour' of Lyon on Saturday and might head to the pub for some more culture and the all important "France VS Australia" rugby match (and no, I have never watched even 5 min of a game of rugby in my life, just getting into the spirit of things!). There's also a photo competition going on for JA <> is the theme, and over the year I have the opportunity to prepare a project, introducing my hometown to the "lyonnais" culture. I have a few ideas...

Hmmm...not much else to tell I think, am very tired from the long walk home at 2am last night and waterpolo this arvo. Going to bed.

Bonne nuit

Alex xoxo

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Lara et Eva come to Lyon!

Just spent a wonderful few days with Lara and Eva. Will write a quick summary.

Thursday:- Eva and Lara arrived at Lyon in the evening (by car). Went out for dinner pretty much straight away with some friends. We went to a "bouchon" (very Lyonnais). Plenty of tasty food with some house wine (it's the 'Bordeaux' way). Ended the evening with a drink at K-Fet, the on-campus student bar.

Friday:- I had school so Lara and Eva spent the morning visiting Vieux Lyon and other parts. We met up at 'Le Parc de La Tete d'Or' for a picnic lunch. The sun was shining and I finally got to see all the animals in the zoology parc!!! Tigers, giraffes, elephants, monkeys!!! I think they spent the afternoon shopping (Lara and Eva, not the animals). Had a fun night out in town! We went up to Fourviere, which is very beautiful by night. The view is quite spectacular. We then had dinner at a 'Savoyard' restaurant near 'Place de Bellecour' called La Grange. It was absolutely delicious. Eva and I shared a fondue. I don't think I've ever eaten that much cheese. Finally ended up in a 'boat' in, a night club decorated as a ship. Lots of dancing, the french have strange taste in, my dad would have a ball..a bit of YMCA, some Grease, Ra-ra-rasputin and finally (quite appropriately) in the NAVY!!!

Saturday:- The three musketeers (Lara, Alex et Eva) drove to le Chateau de Vaugirard, where Lara's aunt and uncle own a farm...and live in a castle!!! Arrived just in time for lunch (roast chicken and quenelle!) and then went walking around the farm and visited the castle.

Sunday:- Went to Monbrison for a quick visit. It's a small town near the castle. We couldn't walk around the farm much because it was a hunting day. More food...Marie-Caroline made us a very 'Lyonnais' meal. Tripe!!! hmmm well I tried it, but I think once is enough! For those who don't know, I ate cow intestines and stomach...Took the train home, arrived back at INSA just a couple of hours ago. Lara and Eva are staying with her family until Tuesday before heading back to Bordeaux.

Ciao, 'til next time

Alex xoxo

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Quick post


Just quickly, have been sick this week but am on the mend with plenty of rest. I was ordered by Alice not to go to waterpolo today (I really was going to go).

Lara and Eva just couldn't get enough of me last week so they're coming today!!! Staying here until Saturday and then we head up together to the castle I keep hearing about (where La's family lives!).

Anything else?

Classes have been good. Getting a bit frustrated because there are plenty of lectures and not many TD (tutes). It's very theoretical.

Oh yeah, I got into a program, Jeunes Ambassadeurs ( which I applied for a few weeks ago. Very exciting, basically a lot of networking and visiting/getting to know the Rhone-Alpes region. There are plenty of events and visits organised throughout the year. Next week I get paired up with a mentor, someone from industry, and my first industry visit is at the end of the month to SANOFI PASTEUR (, a very big vaccine making company. Yay!

Two very exciting things happened on Tuesday...incase you haven't heard. Obama is US President but, more imporantly, 'Viewed' won the Melbourne Cup! Alex's blog: with the latest global news updates!

Miss you all
