Sunday, September 13, 2009

Kuala Gandah

Today I had a splendid time playing with elephants at a relocation sanctuary about 2 hours north of KL in Kuala Gandah. We had the opportunity to feed, ride and bathe with the elephants. They are quite amazing creatures with very rough skin and surprisingly hairy! I have quite mixed feelings about the centre though. It's never nice seeing animals chained up but at the same time I know that these elephants are probably safer here than in the wild.

The centre was very honest about their work. Basically, rainforest and jungles in Malaysia are diminishing in size due to palm oil plantations. Animals are forced into smaller areas and sometimes cause trouble to farmers in damaging their crops. The conservation unit relocates the elephants to national parks such as Taman Negara on the Malaysia Peninsular. However, due to lack of funds, they can't afford to attach satellite devices to all the relocated elephants which means they don't know if the herds are reunited or where the elephants go after basically, they have no idea if this is relocation thing is working.

So I guess it's a good thing that the farmers are asking for help rather than killing the elephants but we don't really know if the elephants are better off...



Feeding time!


Chris "Fonty" Funtera and Alex-"Zan"-dra riding an elephant :)

Quiet weekend otherwise. I was shocked at the idea of "replacement classes" on a Saturday afternoon...with a test! Malaysia...Truly asia! Have been studying hard with Lauren (Chem Eng buddy...Control in particular) in her VERY quiet appartment...Everybody is travelling all the time. Trying to get assignments done early so I can relax when Anne arrives on Saturday.

Next destinations: Perhentian Islands followed by Malaysia Borneo!

Biz lah!

Ola xoxo

Monday, September 7, 2009

Quick link

Anne and I are visiting the orang-utans in Malaysia Borneo in a couple of weeks.

'Green palm oil' claims land Cadbury's in sticky chocolate mess

But I bought a block of Cadbury chocolate just yesterday. It's in the fridge, will have to check the ingredients!

Ola xoxo

Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Lucky Country

Another long weekend! I was a good girl (or study nerd...or both) and bailed on my trip to the Cameron Highlands due to Uni work load :( This meant that it was also my first weekend without Ally! We haven't spent this much time apart since we left Australia!!! It's been hard but I am coping...

Quick story -
Was coming home from Sunway Pyramid on the bus yesterday. I only had a 10RM note for the 1RM fare and as I searched for shrapnel in my wallet, a Malay lady who had bought her fare just ahead of me quickly placed some coins in my hand. She paid for my ticket! It's not much but I can't help thinking that I wouldn't have done the same. Just another example of how friendly the locals here are!

Good night and sweet dreams